Environmental Policy
The Savoy Signature believes that economic growth and social well-being are inseparable to the effects of the environment’s health. With this in mind, we have committed ourselves to develop and combine good practices and standards of sustainability in our business strategy.
Our group of hotels is committed to practicing eco-efficient management of the daily running of the resort. In order to minimise the impact on the environment by rationally using natural resources and energy and by reducing as much as possible the effects of pollution, we are contributing to the economy, improving the environment and society, thus benefiting present and future generations.
We are conscious that this is a contributive and progressive process counting on our suppliers’ and business partner's collaboration in order to continue improving our procedures.
In accordance with the current legislation with regards to the environment, the Savoy Signature accepts the following commitments:
• To evaluate regularly the impacts on the environment and fulfil the existing norms applicable to sustainable tourism.
• To prevent pollution
• To guarantee adequate management of natural resources and residues.
• To co-operate and promote communication with external entities, environmental associations, local authorities and the general public.
• Involving clients, employees, the local community and suppliers in order to encourage environmental improvements in all of its activities, products and services.
• Educating employees and promoting environmental awareness programs to enable, bring awareness and to practice sustainable tourism. In turn this will instigate personal and professional growth, for better working conditions, health and security.
• Encouraging local development and promoting economic, social and cultural growth in the region with the participation of the surrounding communities, suppliers and service providers.
• By enforcing these guidelines the Savoy Signature has begun improving its procedures, with the aim of achieving optimal environmental practices.